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Sep 272015

Download, print and cut out the squares. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Fraction Words Puzzle


Jun 272014

A jigsaw to revise linear graphs and their equations. Do you remember y=mx+c? m is the gradient, c is the intercept on the y axis. If you have forgotten this look here first.

Some of these equations need re-arranging so you can find the gradient and intercept, but others are already in the y=mx+c format.

I think this is one of the best jokes yet! Do you get it?

Oct 122012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Imperial and Metric Jigsaw

If you are stuck you can download the solution here

Oct 122012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Area and Perimeter Level 2 Jigsaw

Oct 122012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Subtraction Entry Level 2 Jigsaw

Oct 122012

Download the pdf, print it and cut out the dominoes. Work with a friend to put them together correctly or play dominoes by sharing the dominoes and taking it in turns to place the next domino. If you can’t go the other player has another turn. The winner is the first to place all their dominoes correctly.

Finding the Median Dominoes


Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Order of Operations Jigsaw

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000 Jigsaw

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape.

4 rules Jigsaw

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape.

Square and Cube Numbers Jigsaw

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape.

Rounding Whole Numbers Jigsaw

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape.

Ratio Jigsaw