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Nov 082015

This exercise involves reading and analysing data from charts, calculating averages and percentages and estimating length. It will also help you with the Driving Theory Test and hopefully help you to stay safe when you are driving.
There is an interactive version here and a worksheet version here.
















You can download the answers here

Oct 312015

Here’s a quiz which involves rounding, addition and subtraction for Motor Vehicle students. Each time you do it you will get a different selection of questions. Many thanks to Auto Trader for the adverts.kiapicanto

Sep 272015

Download, print and cut out the squares. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Fraction Words Puzzle


Sep 262015

LCMsThe Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.

For example the LCM of 4 and 6 is 12 because

Multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20….

Multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24…

12 is the first number in both lists.

Practice finding Lowest Common Multiples with this Sporcle quiz. Challenge your friends to see who can get the best score.


Sep 262015

It’s a new term and I’m getting to know my new students. Many of them have something in common. They don’t know their multiplication tables! Here’s a quiz to help you practice. Keep practicing until you can get them all finished within the 5 minute time limit.


Sep 232015

Hopefully you already know how to change a fraction to a decimal.

For instance ²⁄³ =2 ÷ 3= 0.6666… This is a recurring decimal. But changing a recurring decimal back to a fraction is a little more complicated.

UK maths teacher have produced a great video on this.

If you prefer a written explanation Study maths have produced a good introduction of how to convert a recurring decimal to a fraction.

recurringdecimaltofractionThere is also an interactive worksheet to make sure you can do it.


Aug 032015

Here are the highlights of the 2015 Mens Final.

Can you use your skills to answer the questions? They range from easy Entry Level to GCSE questions involving data handling,  time, distance, speed and Pythagoras. There is a Scale Drawing task that is very good practice for Level 1 students.

The interactive version is here and the worksheet version is here.


Jul 142015

Amey Streets Ahead photo from (with permission)In this exercise you will need to read the information from an Amey press release about the massive Streets Ahead contract. You will then use your skills to answer the questions. You can download a worksheet or use the interactive version here.