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Jan 212013

1. Write down your date of birth using 6 figures. So 25th December 1974 would be 25.12.74

2. Write down the last two digits of the year. (eg 74)

3. Divide by 4 and ignore the decimal part or remainder. (eg 74 ÷ 4 = 18)

4. Add together the answers to 1 and 2 (eg 74 + 18 =92)

5. Add the number of the day of your date of birth. (eg 92 + 25 =117)

6. Add a number according to your month of birth as follows.

JAN  1 (0 for Leap Year)   How do you tell if a year is a leap year?

FEB 4  (3 for Leap Year) How do you tell if a year is a leap year?











(eg 117 + 6 for Dec = 123)

For years beginning 18..   add 2

For years beginning 19.. add 0

For years beginning 20.. add 6

(eg 123 +0 = 123)

Divide your answer by 7 and work out the remainder.

(eg 123÷ 7 = 17 remainder 4)

The remainder gives the day of the week you were born on.

1 = Sunday

2= Monday

3= Tuesday

4= Wednesday

5= Thursday

6 = Friday

7 = Saturday

(s0 25.12.74 was a Wednesday)


Jan 212013

Leap years have an extra day in February, so there are 29 days in February and 366 days in a leap year. Lots of people believe that if a year is divisible by 4 it is a leap year. However there are some exceptions to this.

To work it out follow these instructions.

If the year divides exactly by 4 it is a leap year, UNLESS
it is a new century. (ends in 00)
If this is the case if it divides exactly by 400 it is a leap year, if not it is not.
Was 2012 a leap year?
2012÷4 = 503. YES!
Will 2018 be a leap year?
2018÷4 = 504 r2 NO!
Was 2000 a leap year?
2000÷400 = 5 YES!
Will 2100 be a leap year?
2100÷400 = 5 r100 NO!

Jan 212013

Ask your teacher (or somebody else) to

1.  Write down your house number.

2.  Double it.

3.  Add the number of days in a week.

4.  Multiply by 50.

5. Add your age.

6. Subtract the number of days in a year. (not a leap year)

7. Add 15

The answer is your teachers house number and their age!

Can you explain why this works?

Jan 202013

Here is a letter from the Coop Bank offering Mrs Givusabob a loan. Can you help her understand it?

Here is a worksheet version.

(MathswithGraham likes the Coop Bank because of their ethical principles, but borrowing from any bank can be very expensive.)


Jan 202013

sainsbury's Bank Credit CardDo you understand those letters that come through the door offering you a credit card? Have a go at this exercise to find out more.

Here is a worksheet version.


(I have used Sainsbury’s Bank as an example of a typical credit card provider- this exercise does not insinuate that Sainsbury’s Bank is any worse than other credit card providers.)

Jan 042013

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation research into the minimum income standards for the UK.  The Minimum Income Standard for the UK shows how much money people need, so that they can buy things that members of the public think that everyone in the UK should be able to afford.

  • Figures are based on public views about a minimum standard that nobody should fall below.
  • It does not show you what you require to meet all your individual needs, and is not suitable for use as a personal budgeting tool.

By entering a few details about your circumstances you can compare your income with the MIS, and see how this is made up. For instance  my children are now all grown up and have left home, so I live with my wife. When I have entered details about my rent/mortgage. gas/electric/water bills etc it tells me the minimum income I require is £23,099. They break this down into how much I need for food, alcohol. council tax, clothing etc. It makes very interesting reading!

minimum income standardThe picture shows the results for a single person.

Go to and enter your details to see what it suggests for your household.

Try this exercise to find out about a single persons minimum income. It will also help you to calculate percentages.


Jan 042013

Everybody is feeling the pinch at the moment. Try this interactive  Money Saving Transport Quiz to see if you can save some cash! Here is the same exercise in worksheet format.

Jan 032013

Many people living in poverty are being ripped off with massive interest rates.  People who can’t get bank accounts and are trying to survive on benefits sometimes see no alternative but to use door step lenders or shops that offer instant credit but then charge extortionate interest rates.

Try this quiz to learn more about shopping on credit.

Dec 022012



Oct 192012

Here are my hands. Calculate the ratio of the length of the rectangle to the height by dividing 12 by 7.5.

Now work with a friend. One of you make the same shape with your hands, the other measures the length and width. Again calculate the ratio. Swop roles and do this again. You now have three ratios. What do you notice?

Here is the beginning of the Fibonacci Sequence. It is made by adding the two previous numbers together.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21.

Work out the next 10 terms of the sequence and write them down.

Now calculate the ratio of each number compared to the number before it, like this. Round your answers to 4 decimal places.

1÷ 1 = 1

2÷ 1= 2

3÷ 2= 1.5

5÷ 3 = 1.6

8÷ 5 =1.6

13÷ 8 = 1.625

You continue for the next 10 terms. (Use a calculator!)

What do you notice?

You have discovered a very special number, called phi. Find out more about phi and the Golden Ratio here.

Oct 172012

Oct 122012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Imperial and Metric Jigsaw

If you are stuck you can download the solution here

Oct 122012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

Area and Perimeter Level 2 Jigsaw

Oct 052012

How many decimal places of pi do you know?

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape.

Metic Length Jigsaw

Oct 052012

Download, print and cut out the triangles. Work with a friend to try and match all the questions with the correct answers and make a shape

24 hour clock Jigsaw

Sep 302012

Click here to download this Level 2 Functional Maths worksheet, Don’t always believe what you read in the newspaper.
It concerns how much money you can save by spending less time in the shower.

Aug 082012

Try this gap fill exercise on screen or in worksheet format.

Jul 272012

Interesting news today that the NHS want to introduce standardised health charts to monitor patients pulse, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, level of consciousness, and oxygen saturation. Apparently each hospital currently has its own chart, leading to confusion when staff move between hospitals.

Here is some of the coverage.





If ever there was a good example of “Functional Maths”, this is it!  Everyone should have a basic understanding of these charts.

Maths with Graham would like to be able to access the video on the learning portal which explains how to use this chart, but searches haven’t yet managed to find it. Please let me know if you have the link.